You’re probably here cause you wanna do something about your ADHD.

Annnnnd you feel like you’ve tried all the things.
You might be thinking things like …
If only I didn’t get distracted, I could finally knock everything off my To-Do List.
If only I could get organized, my house wouldn’t look like a complete shit-sty.
If only I could shut down my brain for like 5 freaking minutes, I’d be able to figure out what needs to be done next.
If only I wasn’t so impulsive, I wouldn’t be in so much debt and I’d be able to save money for a rainy day fund or even have a long-term savings fund for the first time in my life.
If only I wasn’t such a procrastinator, I could finally get started on that project I’ve been putting off for months.
As if those thoughts weren’t enough, when you can’t seem to ever “do the thing”, you probably start to feel …

Annoyed with yourself, again.Guilty for not bring able to do something that should be so simple ...Like you wanna cry, cause it’s like this every GD day and you’re sick of it.As if there’s no hope - no matter what you do, no matter how many tricks of the trade you’ve tried, it’s just not working for you.If one more person suggests “just use a planner!”, you’re gonna lose. your. shit.
I know, I know … you want me to get out of your head, right??!
(Listen, it’s my head, too, because I have ADHD and have been there!)
The truth is, I can show people exactly how to:
Get started on tasks
Sustain greater attention
Schedule the day more effectively
Build a routine that is actually helpful
Practice waiting and delaying gratification

There are so many tips, tools, and strategies that can and do work!
But let me ask you something …
When you say to yourself things like:
“I’m so lazy!”
“I’m such a space cadet!”
“I can’t get anything done!”
“I’m so forgetful lol!”
Whose voice do you hear?
No really, take a moment and reflect on that question, because it’s so important.
Is it that teacher from elementary school? A friend? A former employer? A parent? Maybe even a partner or spouse?
You’ve unknowingly allowed these thoughts from other people to take up residence in your head - NONE OF WHICH ARE EVEN ULTIMATELY TRUE!!!
If you spend your days beating yourself up for the things that are hard for you and you admonish your ADHD and all of your energy is spent wishing you could just be rid of it … maybe it’s time to try another approach?

Here’s the real issue for a lot of people:
If you don’t spend time working on your relationship with your ADHD, you might be missing out on the very thing that makes all the difference and that makes doing all of the things you’re wanting to do possible.

ADHD + Me is all about falling (back) in love with our ADHD. It’s almost like starting a brand new relationship with it.
This work is centered all around recreating and rebuilding this relationship because the current one that you have is tainted, right?
By society and by all of the messages you’ve received over the course of your life from other people.
And unfortunately, there’s a whole lot of ableism in those messages.
So now you have this yucky relationship with your ADHD, but you desperately want to be in partnership with it.
And you want to love it and you want to see the parts of it that can be channeled for good.
This is not to discount all of the challenges, and it’s not to say there aren’t some things that are a pain in the ass …
What it IS about is getting curious about how you think about ADHD.
It’s getting curious about - Why are you so comfortable saying things like, ‘I am so lazy!”? Why are you so comfortable saying things like, “Omg, I'm such a space cadet!”?
Why are you so comfortable with that?
Annnnd … what happens as a result of you saying these things to yourself?
Where does that self-deprecation get you?
Where does it bring you to?
(Hint: back to those feelings at the beginning)
That’s why ADHD + me is like building a brand new relationship and forming a friendship and a partnership with ADHD.
It’s about accepting ADHD for what it is and loving the parts that are so cool and creative and awesome, and accepting the parts that make things challenging.
you approached yourself and ADHD with love and compassion?
What does life look like then?
ADHD + Me is the course where we spend time exploring your current relationship with your ADHD, examining the ways in which your relationship is influencing your behavior, and develop new ways to approach ADHD, so you can finally start to make changes you’ve been wanting, like:
Being able to sit down and KNOW what to work on and be able to just DO THE DAMN THING and afterwards stay consistent and don’t lose interest in it or forget the work you did even exists.
Feel like you’re more productive, able to keep your personal space clean and organized, and develop better self care routine
Relieve yourself of perfectionism that spills into everything around you.
To do the things you know you need to do to run a smooth household and grow your business.
This course has many cognitive-behavioral elements to it (meaning, how we think influences our behaviors) - because I firmly believe that our thoughts, feelings, and beliefs on just about anything greatly impacts our behaviors (our actions and our results), which means that when we actively CHANGE our thoughts, feelings, and beliefs, we can actually also change our behaviors.
Module One
This is the welcome module that will contain the basics about how the course will run, establish ground rules for the course, and contain housekeeping info, as well as reflection questions to get us started on our new journey with ADHD.
Module Two
In this module, we will gently, and with love and compassion, examine and notice any and all stories we’ve heard or that we’ve told ourselves repeatedly about ADHD (the good, the not so good, and the downright mean). Reflection questions are provided to help guide us through this examination.
Module Three
In this module, we will gently, and with love and compassion, look at how those stories have influenced our lives, particularly how they are influencing us at this very moment (because while it’s important to look back on our lives to reflect and learn, we won’t spend a lot of time hanging out on “what could have been”, though we will make space for emotions that do come up). Reflection questions are provided to help guide us through these influences.
Module Four
In this module, we will assess which thoughts, beliefs, and feelings are serving us in our lives and which ones are not. Reflection questions are provided to help guide us through this assessment.
Module Five
In this module, we will develop a new way of thinking, seeing, and being that is in partnership with ADHD. Reflection questions are provided to help guide us through this development.
Each module has:
- video with captions
- video transcription
- audio only file
- and a PDF document for reflection questions and journaling.
By the end of the course, at the very least you will become more friendly with it and see all of the ways in which to use ADHD in a way that supports you and your dreams.
Imagine just for a sec how it will feel to …
No longer beat yourself up at the end of the day for not getting to everything on your To Do list.
Not feel loads of shame and guilt just because your brain works differently than others.
Let go of this idea that you need fixing.
How might you show up differently in the world if those were no longer the case?
What might you DO if you started believing a new story about yourself and ADHD - one where you KNOW how incredible you are?
Here’s what I actually know to be true about you and what I believe (and what you’re going to believe about yourself very soon as a result of going through this course):
1. You are so fucking creative! Like, ideas just flow to you all the time, and sure maybe you can’t remember them all or actually act on them, but you are never at a loss when it comes to creation.2. You’re an INNOVATOR. If there was a problem, yo, you’ll solve it. People around you are always wondering how you ever came up with that solution - minds are blown!3. You do your best work when the deadline is 24 hours from now and there’s absolutely nothing wrong with that!4. Your ability to get a week’s worth of work done in about 2 hours at one in the morning is like actually B-A-N-A-N-A-S and needs to be celebrated!!5. You are sooooo generous. You’ll drop everything to help others and give them the shirt off your back or even donate your life savings to a cause that means a lot to you, because you give a shit.
And so. much. more.
Brittani Staab, Virtual Assistant
“As an entrepreneur with ADHD, I have always struggled with “hustle” culture, planners, consistency, focus, and task initiation. I used to question why I couldn’t do the things like everyone else or why others’ strategies never seemed to work for me.
Having Taryn as a mentor has completely changed everything for me - not just in my business but also in my personal life. She has helped me realize that my ADHD is not a fault but a superpower - a way to see things differently - and has given me tools that help me easily and confidently accomplish my goals.”
Here’s what this is:
This is a 5-module online course where you will begin a new, loving, supportive, and filled with curiosity partnership with ADHD.
Who am I?
Oh, I’m just a girl with ADHD, who can knock out her To Do list, remember why she walked into a room, AND got her tax stuff to her accountant a month ahead of time thankyouverymuch!NOT BRAGGING - I used to s-t-r-u-g-g-l-e with all of that and more, and while I still have some days where I’m all over the place and/or can’t seem to get a damn thing done, how I THINK about it all is a complete 180 from how it used to be and THAT has made all the difference!
Hi! I'm Taryn :-)
I want to help you feel so fucking confident to put yourself out there, share your gifts with the world, while also not having to sell your soul or pretend to be neurotypical.
I want to help you take the mask off so you can just be YOU. I know you feel like you’ve never fit in and I know you are forever trying to figure out why you can’t just do what the “experts” expect you to and I know you’re afraid to fail. How do I know this? Because this was me. And it’s so many of my clients who I work with.
And my clients are amazing. They are super easy to work with because they are passionate about helping others, wear their hearts on their sleeves, don't have a bull-shitting bone in their bodies, are genuine, compassionate, and just have good energy you know? They have done lots of healing work, are silly and love to laugh, they love their family, they have an entrepreneurial spirit, and they give a shit.
My mission is to change that perception and help women embrace their ADHD as something to be worked with—not against.
I'm a former school counselor with a masters in counseling and have been coaching women entrepreneurs for over 10 years who, you guessed it, are ADHD - either formally or self-diagnosed (VALID).
For funsies, I love to hang with my family, take a group yoga class, find a hidden gem of a restaurant, and go to the movies. I've also gotten back into running and love to lift weights. You'll find me outdoors a lot, or at home singing along to my favorite music (which is pretty eclectic but let’s be honest mostly pop), and my favorite kind of TV is feel good shows like Schitt’s Creek, Ted Lasso, & Shrinking.

Who is this course for?
This is for the person who feels like each day is a battle:
You want to create a routine and you want to be consistent, but some days are a fucking struggle and you are exhausted just from trying to get started and arguing with yourself to move your ass, only to be filled with shame and guilt for not doing a GD thing (aaaannnnd repeat lol).
AND who ALSO desires to:
- See things differently
- Get curious about why it’s such a battle some days
- Not feel exhausted fighting ADHD every day
- Be rid of the shame and guilt that ensues
- Build a partnership with ADHD and work with it, rather than against it

Who is this NOT for?
This is not for people who love to complain (seriously, exit stage left because this is a non-negotiable - no Debbie Downers allowed!)
People who “yeah … but” all over the place (ie, “Yeah … but you don’t understand my childhood/expectations/job/life/.” “Yeah … but I just can’t see it like that or believe that new thought.”) That’s a no-no, too!
Humans who are unwilling to look at their thoughts, beliefs, or feelings and cannot fathom changing them.
People who are wanting a quick fix. This is ongoing relationship building with ADHD - most people don’t have a first date and get married the same day ;-)
Listen, the craptastic relationship you have with ADHD is not your fault. So many people in your life have contributed to it and have told you how to think about it, and honestly?
It’s all LIES.
It’s likely that those people didn’t know any better and the ableism that exists in this world has made it all the more difficult to hold ADHD in positive high regard - it’s NO WONDER it’s been such a struggle all this time!
And also …
YOU are a fucking GEM!
Do you hear me?
No, I want you to say it … go ahead!
Say it to yourself on repeat until you hear your voice and until you believe it.